7 Key Principles

7 Key Principals to Nutrition:

How to Properly Eat for our fitness goals seems to be the largest obstacle we come up against when wanting to transform our bodies.

These 7 principles will change you for the better when properly executed.

It’s Time for you to Live!

1.      Meal Timing: When wanting to transform our bodies the largest obstacle we seem to encounter is how to properly eat for our fitness goals. Eat every 3 hours and avoid breaking down muscle for energy and slowing down your metabolism. When you wait longer than 3 hours your body goes into starvation mode and begins conserving Calories, storing fat, and burning muscle.

  • Hunger Control: by properly fueling your muscles on a three-hour basis; your hunger hormones are leveled off and work together to balance each other and maintain blood sugar stability. So, we never feel too hungry and eat more than is necessary to fuel our body.
  • Metabolism Boost: protecting your muscle from going catabolic (starvation mode ) you will naturally increase your basal metabolic rate and start burning more fat at rest and definitely more during exercise Wiser options: knowing you will eat in just a few hours helps you keep your focus on why you’re making these decisions and to stay on track
  • Portion sizes: using apps like DotFit, My Fitness Pal and Fitbit determine your calorie goal and you should not be exceeding it daily. Use smaller plates add vegetables and fruit to your plate to limit overeating high-calorie foods.
  • Total daily calories: Track all of your meals food drinks candy that you consume daily and calculate the calories with one of the available calorie counting applications tips: pre-calculate what you will eat the day prior to ensure you will hit your target track what enters your mouth as it happens, take pictures of what you eat and drink throughout the day and track it when you have your schedule time for it.
  • Calories per meal: each meal should be between 100 1/3 of your daily calorie goal.

2.      Portion Sizes: Consume your Basal Metabolic Rate (MBR) or less in calories. A study on portion size in Appetite (Australia) investigated the reality of dishware size and portion size and determined that portion size has increased considerably over the past few decades. The results suggest when larger plate sizes are used it is even more important to serve low calorie-dense foods, or at least a mixture of low and high-calorie dense foods to limit overall food intake.

  • Divide your daily total by the number of meals scheduled for your day.
  • Use smaller containers to avoid over-serving yourself. Salad plates for dinner versus a full-size plate.

3.      Protein and Macro Nutrients: Have a daily blend of macro-nutrients (Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats) that maximize anti-inflammation and visceral oxidation. The blend that consistently shows even and long term weight loss is 30% Protein - 40% Carbohydrates - 30% Fats.

4.      Water: Avoid Tap and Purified water as they are full of chemicals and toxins (see #6). Distilled and Springwater tend to work best for detoxification and weight loss. A minimum of .5 to 1 oz of water per body weight for daily consumption. For example if you weigh 180 pounds that would be 90 to 180 ounces of water daily there are 128 ounces in 1 gallon.

5.      Natural Whole Foods: Eat whole and natural foods, they are higher in nutrients and lower in calories

6.      Avoid Chemicals & Toxins: Fat cells attach to toxins for protective reasons, it is difficult to oxidize and metabolize fat cells when they are in the presence of toxins.

7.      Supplementation: The 2002 Journal of American Medical Association published that all humans should supplement with a minimum of 1 multivitamin daily. Based on our farming practices and food choices. There are many supplements to choose from; choose the ones designed to maximize health and vitality, then fat oxidation follows. We will cover the supplements in our experience that work best on a weight loss regimen in the following chapters.

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